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Lend Me Your Ears
A travel blog for Disney & beyond
Welcome to Lend Me Your Ears
The place where you spend 2-3 minutes with me at a time as I share my best (and worst)
travel stories, along with some helpful hints along the way.

Robert Pokrywka
Creative Director by day. Disney and
travel obsessed writer by night.
I live in the small waterfront town of New Baltimore, MI. I've written things my entire life. From corporate advertising to children's books, screenplays and everything in between.
Between Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and their animated films, Disney pretty much owns my childhood and in turn has warranted my obsession. When I'm not writing or traveling, I'm spending time with my beautiful wife, Angela, and my two English Golden Retrievers, Finley and Letty.
Let's travel together (figuratively, of course)
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